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flameproof glass中文是什么意思

用"flameproof glass"造句"flameproof glass"怎么读"flameproof glass" in a sentence


  • 防火玻璃, 耐热玻璃


  • Besides excellent flameproof feature , monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass is 6 - 12 times stronger than float glass and 1 . 5 - 3 tunes stribger than tempered glass with the same thickness
    单片防火玻璃除具有卓越的防火性能外,在相同厚度下强度上是浮法玻璃的6 - 12倍,钢化玻璃的1 . 5 - 3倍。
  • Monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass is a kind of curtain wall or door / window glass with flameproof function . it utilizes physical and chemical methods for treatment of float glass
  • At the same time monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass features very good workability , can be processed to be sandwich safety glass , hollow glass , coated glass , dot - type curtain wall glass , hot - type curtain wall glass , hot - bent flameproof glass , and can serve as fire partition and escape passage in house
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